Research Topic

Poverty and Inequality

CCFP researchers study the impact of poverty and economic inequality on children, families, and communities. Our teams study and evaluate the effectiveness of programs and policies designed to help low-income families, the day-to-day experiences of working parents and their families, and the impact of living in poverty on children and families. CCFP researchers also study and evaluate efforts that have been successful at disrupting systemic inequities affecting low-wealth families and building on the strengths of communities to improve outcomes for children and families.

Latest Research

Journal Articles

Intergenerational Effects of a Casino-Funded Family Transfer Program on Educational Outcomes in an American Indian Community

Using data on families who received cash transfers as part of a casino-funded family transfer program introduced in a Southeastern American Indian Tribe in the late 1990s, the authors find that large cash transfers have the potential to reduce intergenerational cycles of poverty-related educational outcomes.

learn more about Intergenerational Effects of a Casino-Funded Family Transfer Program on Educational Outcomes in an American Indian Community
Research Brief

Regular Monthly Cash Gifts in the Baby’s First Years Study: Program Design and Families’ Experiences

This brief summarizes findings from The Baby’s First Years study, examining the design and delivery of the BFY cash gift and how families experience and use the BFY cash gift. The BFY cash gift design provides an example of how cash transfers can be delivered in a way that can center families and entrust them with using the money as they see fit to support their families.

learn more about Regular Monthly Cash Gifts in the Baby’s First Years Study: Program Design and Families’ Experiences
Journal Articles

The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Low-Income Families’ Food Insecurity: Associations Across and Within Months of Receipt

Examination of the impact of the Child Tax Credit on families’ food security by family size and participation in other federal programs. Results suggest that the effectiveness of cash payments like the CTC in reducing economic hardships may depend on family characteristics like receipt of other federal benefits and household size.

learn more about The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Low-Income Families’ Food Insecurity: Associations Across and Within Months of Receipt
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Anna Gassman-Pines

Read More About Anna Gassman-Pines
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Lisa Gennetian

Read More About Lisa Gennetian
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Christina Gibson-Davis

Read More About Christina Gibson-Davis

Evaluation of NC Community Schools Coalition

Project Description The North Carolina Community Schools Coalition aims to improve the academic, mental, and physical health of North Carolina students through the development of Full-Service Community Schools across the state. Full-Service Community Schools prioritize partnerships between schools and the community to promote the overall success and well-being of children and families. The community schools model…

learn more about Evaluation of NC Community Schools Coalition
learn more about Evaluation of NC Community Schools Coalition

STEPS: Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success

This project aims to advance research on the relationship between economic well-being, wealth, adolescent functioning and mental health.

learn more about STEPS: Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success
learn more about STEPS: Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success

Evaluation of Durham Housing Authority Choice Neighborhood Grant

Project Description Durham Choice is a partnership between the Durham Housing Authority (DHA) and the City of Durham to expand affordable housing opportunities in Durham and ensure that low-income residents have the opportunity to live in high quality housing in great neighborhoods. The focus of Durham Choice is on the redevelopment of two aging public…

learn more about Evaluation of Durham Housing Authority Choice Neighborhood Grant
learn more about Evaluation of Durham Housing Authority Choice Neighborhood Grant

How State Social Policies and Practices Impact Hispanic Low-Income Children and Youth

Project Description Safety net policies are intended to provide some level of basic income support and economic security to eligible families, in turn improving developmental outcomes and life course trajectories for children. Yet, despite high rates of poverty, Latinx families are less likely than other groups to utilize these benefits. Project Goals The team will…

learn more about How State Social Policies and Practices Impact Hispanic Low-Income Children and Youth
learn more about How State Social Policies and Practices Impact Hispanic Low-Income Children and Youth
July 29, 2024
Journal Articles

Child-Directed Speech in a Large Sample of U.S. Mothers with Low Income

Using data from Baby’s First Years, this paper assesses the causal impact of monthly, unconditional cash transfers on child-directed speech and child vocalizations among a large, racially diverse sample of low-income U.S. mothers and their 1-year-olds.

learn more about Child-Directed Speech in a Large Sample of U.S. Mothers with Low Income
June 21, 2024
Research Brief

Regular, Monthly Unconditional Cash Gift Increases Families’ Investments in Young Children

This brief summarizes findings from The Baby’s First Years study, examining the ways in which a monthly unconditional high-cash gift has been used to support children’s learning and development. Results from the study highlight that such aid resulted in investments in children by increasing parents’ spending on child-specific goods and time spent on early learning activities.

learn more about Regular, Monthly Unconditional Cash Gift Increases Families’ Investments in Young Children
June 21, 2024
Journal Articles

Effects of a Monthly Unconditional Cash Transfer Starting at Birth on Family Investments Among US Families with Low Income

How does unconditional income for families in poverty affect parental investments for their young children? During the first 3 years of this study, high-cash gift households spent more money on child-specific goods and more time on child-specific early learning activities than the low-cash gift group.

learn more about Effects of a Monthly Unconditional Cash Transfer Starting at Birth on Family Investments Among US Families with Low Income