Effects of the Incredible Years Classroom and Teacher Combined Interventions on Preschool Children’s Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement

Project Description

Evaluation of the Incredible Years Dinosaur Classroom Prevention Program (IY Dina) paired with teacher training in Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IYT). IY Dina is a universal social-emotional curriculum that trains children in the skills they need for self-regulation, improved school behavior, and enhanced social competence. IYT targets teachers’ use of effective classroom management strategies for building consistent routines, promoting positive relationships, strengthening prosocial behaviors, addressing misbehaviors, and creating a positive learning environment. The combined intervention approach will support successful self-regulation by simultaneously acting on environmental demands and child capacity to bring them into alignment.

The intervention was evaluated using a matched-pairs cluster randomized design with a sample of 120 NC preK classrooms in four North Carolina counties. Teachers in the intervention classrooms received training, materials, and ongoing coaching to implement both IY curricula with fidelity. Teachers in comparison classrooms were trained in both curricula during the final year of the grant.  Students were tested at the beginning and end of their pre-kindergarten year to measure their progress on social/emotional functioning, executive functioning and early literacy/achievement. They were tested again at the end of their kindergarten year to assess maintenance of gains.

Project Goals

This cluster randomized trial evaluated the synergistic effects of the child-directed Incredible Years Dinosaur Classroom Prevention Program paired with teacher training in Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management.

Project Team Members

Christina Christopoulos (Co-PI), Katie Rosanbalm (Co-PI), Courtney White-Clark, Claudia Shapiro, Becky Stern, Sonya Ulrich, Matt Edwards

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