Graduate Opportunities

The Sanford School of Public Policy offers Master's and Doctoral programs. Faculty in the Center for Child and Family Policy teach graduate level courses, serve as student advisors, and often have opportunities for graduate students to gain experience working on their research project teams.

Additionally, many faculty within CCFP have opportunities for postdoctoral associates to further their research training.

Our PhD Students

Our Postdocs

Shannon Egan-Dailey

Focus: Children’s Early Language Development

Open Postdoctoral Position

Professor Lisa Gennetian, Duke Sanford, is seeking a postdoctoral research scholar in economics, public policy or a related discipline, to lead and conduct analyses of policies and programs that target poverty, inequality, and economic disadvantage, particularly among young children. The postdoc will work closely with principal investigators on two strains of research. The first is the Baby’s First Years study, a randomized control trial investigating the impacts of a monthly unconditional cash transfer program on child development, subjective well-being, and economic behavior. The second line of work involves research for the Center for Research on Hispanic Families and Children, investigating relationships between policy design and program participation among Latino families and children facing poverty and economic scarcity. More information and application is available online.

Contact Us

For more information about graduate opportunities and/or other ways students can get involved with the Center for Child and Family Policy, please contact:

Anna Gassman-Pines

Opportunities to Engage

MPP and PhD students have the opportunity to attend events like the Color of Education Summit, which the Center for Child and Family Policy helps organize.
