Henderson-Polk Family Life Survey

Project Description

The Henderson-Polk Family Life Survey is an impact evaluation of the Family Connects home visiting program, when delivered using a hybrid telehealth model. Approximately half of resident Henderson County, NC and Polk County, NC families who gave birth between March 1, 2022 and November 30, 2022 were eligible for Family Connects home visits. Interviewers then contacted all families who gave birth during the evaluation period and invited them to participate in a brief online or phone survey when their child was around six months of age.

Survey responses and administrative record review will be analyzed to better find out how family characteristics and the services that families receive predict child health and development, parent well-being, and parenting behaviors.

Project Goals

This study aims to examine the impact of the Family Connects postpartum home visiting program when administered utilizing a “hybrid” delivery model that combines telehealth (virtual) service delivery for all families with limited in-home visits. The research team will also examine associations between family use of community resources and child and family health and well-being over time. With this knowledge, we can develop better ways to match families with services that will benefit them.

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