Child Mental Health Initiative (BECOMING)

Project Description

Center researchers Nicole Lawrence, Joel Rosch, Liz Snyder, and Anne-Marie Iselin helped Alliance Behavioral Healthcare secure a six-year $5.4 million federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This grant builds upon the existing infrastructure of Durham’s child and adult System of Care by targeting transition-age youth (16-21) with mental health and other life challenges.

The program evaluation, conducted by Lawrence and Snyder, includes both quality improvement and outcomes measurement at the system, program and individual levels. The national evaluation, managed by Macro, Inc., consists of three core studies: the longitudinal outcome study, the cross-sectional descriptive study, and the services and costs study.

Project Goals

This project enables Alliance Behavioral Healthcare to expand upon the community’s capacity to serve transition-age youth with serious emotional disturbances through the development of: a coordinated identification and referral process, programs and services that meet the unique needs of transition-age youth, training for clinicians on evidenced based practices to better serve this population, and comprehensive care management/coordination.

Project Findings

BECOMING Final Report: A Longitudinal Perspective on Outcomes for Transitional Age Youth with Mental Health Challenges

BECOMING Youth Year 3 Progress Evaluation Report