Jennifer Lansford
CCFP Director
S. Malcolm Gillis Distinguished Research Professor of Public Policy
Jennifer Lansford is the director of the Center for Child and Family Policy and S. Malcolm Gillis Distinguished Research Professor of Public Policy in the Sanford School of Public Policy.
Dr. Lansford's research focuses on the development of aggression and other behavior problems in youth, with an emphasis on how family and peer contexts contribute to or protect against these outcomes. She examines how experiences with parents (e.g., physical abuse, discipline, divorce) and peers (e.g., rejection, friendships) affect the development of children's behavior problems, how influence operates in adolescent peer groups, and how cultural contexts moderate links between parenting and children's adjustment.
Dr. Lansford's research focuses on the development of aggression and other behavior problems in youth, with an emphasis on how family and peer contexts contribute to or protect against these outcomes. She examines how experiences with parents (e.g., physical abuse, discipline, divorce) and peers (e.g., rejection, friendships) affect the development of children's behavior problems, how influence operates in adolescent peer groups, and how cultural contexts moderate links between parenting and children's adjustment.
Areas of Expertise
Current Projects
- Parenting and Behavior Problems of Children and Adolescents in Asian Families
- Rumination Mediates the Relation of Hostile Attribution to Psychological Maladjustment Among Adolescents from Three Countries
- Parenting Risk and Protective Factors in the Development of Conduct Problems in Seven Countries
- The Changing Association Between Pandemic-Related Stressors and Child and Adolescent Mental Health During the Waning Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Climate Change and Families: Review of Evidence And Policy Recommendations
- Global Demographic Trends and Their Impact on Children, Families, and Policy
- Families and Technology
- Subtypes of Childhood Social Withdrawal and Adult Relationship and Parenting Outcomes
- Fast Track Intervention Effects and Mechanisms of Action Through Established Adulthood
- Mothers’, Fathers’, and Children’s Other Caregivers’ Socioemotional Caregiving Practices and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Investigating Longitudinal Trajectories of COVID-19 Disruption: Methodological Challenges and Recommendations
- Attachment Security, Environmental Adversity, and Fast Life History Behavioral Profiles in Human Adolescents
- Intergenerational Effects of a Casino-Funded Family Transfer Program on Educational Outcomes in an American Indian Community
- Cultural Values, Parenting, and Child Adjustment in the United States
- Adolescent Life Disruption Due to COVID-19
- Longitudinal Associations Between Positive Parenting and Youths’ Engagement in Sexting Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Filial Self-Efficacy Beliefs
- Bidirectional Longitudinal Associations Between Parental Self-Efficacy and Child Rule-Breaking Behaviours: A Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Study
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Peer Relationships of Adolescents Around the World: A Rapid Systematic Review
- Individualism, Collectivism and Conformity in Nine Countries: Relations with Parenting and Child Adjustment
- Parents’ Learning Support and School Attitudes in Relation to Adolescent Academic Identity and School Performance in Nine Countries
- Patterns of Singlehood, Cohabitation, and Marriage in Early Adulthood in Relation to Well-Being in Established Adulthood
- Family Cash Transfers in Childhood and Birthing Persons and Birth Outcomes Later in Life
- Adolescents’ Relationships with Parents and Romantic Partners in Eight Countries
- Intergenerational Effects of the Fast Track Intervention on Next-Generation Child Outcomes: A Preregistered Randomized Clinical Trial
- How Adolescents’ Lives were Disrupted Over the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Investigation in 12 Cultural Groups in 9 Nations from March 2020 to July 2022
- Memories of Parental Acceptance and Rejection Predict Forgiveness and Vengeance in the Muslim World: Introduction and Overview
- Associations of Childhood Adversity with Emotional Well-Being and Educational Achievement: A Review and Meta-Analysis
- The Developmental Trends of Parental Self-Efficacy and Adolescents’ Rule-Breaking Behaviors in the Italian Context: A 7-Wave Latent Growth Curve Study
- Developmental Trajectories of Parental Self-Efficacy as Children Transition to Adolescence in Nine Countries: Latent Growth Curve Analyses
- Development of Primal World Beliefs
- Association Between Relative Age at School and Persistence of ADHD in Prospective Studies: an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
- Intraindividual Variability in Parental Acceptance-Rejection Predicts Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Across Childhood/Adolescence in Nine Countries.
- Intergenerational Effects of a Family Cash Transfer on the Home Environment
- Emotion-Related Self-Regulation Profiles in Early Adolescence: A Cross-National Study
- Kindergarten Conduct Problems are Associated with Monetized Outcomes in Adolescence and Adulthood
- Predicting Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes Across Cultures: A Machine Learning Approach
- An International Perspective on Parenting and Family Influences on Adolescents and Young Adults
- State-Level Legal and Sociodemographic Correlates of Child Marriage Rates in the United States
- The HOME-21: A Revised Measure of the Home Environment for the 21st Century Tested in Two Independent Samples
- Why Are My Parents So Annoying?
- Predicting Child Aggression: The Role of Parent and Child Endorsement of Reactive Aggression Across 13 Cultural Groups in 9 Nations
- Discipline and Punishment in Child Development
- Parent Discipline and Violence, National Development, and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low-and Middle-Income Countries
- Predictors of Problematic Adult Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Substance Use: A Longitudinal Study of Two Samples
- Intergenerational effects of the Fast Track intervention on the home environment: A randomized control trial
- Compliance with Health Recommendations and Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID Pandemic in Nine Countries
- Adolescent Positivity and Future Orientation, Parental Psychological Control, and Young Adult Internalising Behaviours during COVID-19 in Nine Countries
- The Intergenerational Transmission of Maladaptive Parenting and its Impact on Child Mental Health: Examining Cross-Cultural Mediating Pathways and Moderating Protective Factors
- Pre-Pandemic Psychological and Behavioral Predictors of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nine Countries
- Culture and Social Change in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Individualism, Collectivism and Parenting Attitudes
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use among adults without children, parents, and adolescents
- Text-Based Crisis Service Users’ Perceptions of Seeking Child Maltreatment-Related Support From Formal Systems
- Development of individuals’ own and perceptions of peers’ substance use from early adolescence to adulthood
- Lower neural value signaling in the prefrontal cortex is related to childhood family income and depressive symptomatology during adolescence
- Parenting Across Cultures from Childhood to Adolescence: Development in Nine Countries
- Families and Social Change in the Gulf Region
- Predicting Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration From Late Adolescence to Young Adulthood