Carmen Alban
Senior Program Coordinator
Carmen Alban joined the Center for Child and Family Policy in the summer of 2019 as an intern working on the evaluation of the East Durham Children’s Initiative. She is now a senior program coordinator working on the projects 1) Randomized-Controlled Trial of Family Centered Treatment (FCT), designed to measure mental health outcomes for youth in out of home placements verses those receiving FCT; 2) Statewide Needs Assessment for Early Care and Education on behalf of the NCDHHS; 3) Kindergarten Readiness Assessment for Families and Communities Rising, designed to assist programs in measuring and assessing school readiness for preschool-age children within Durham and Chapel Hill; and 4) Early Identification and Prevention of Child Maltreatment Project, which aims to better predict which children who are the subject of alleged maltreatment experience poor outcomes in the health and social services systems.
Alban graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in public policy and minors in education and economics. She completed an honors thesis evaluating Duke University’s sexual assault prevention programs.