Research Projects

Social Emotional Health and Well-Being

Current Projects

Partnering for Excellence

July 2012 - Ongoing

This project is an evaluation of Benchmarks’ Partnering for Excellence (PFE), a model that seeks to improve the well-being of children and families in contact with the child welfare system and reduce the need for higher end behavioral services through a more trauma-informed community, which can result in reduces in behavioral healthcare expenditures.

read more about the project about Partnering for Excellence

Evaluation of the N.C. Resilience and Learning Model

July 2017 - Ongoing

The North Carolina Resilience and Learning Project is a partnership with the Public School Forum of North Carolina to promote and support trauma-informed schools across the state. The project team works closely with districts and schools to provide professional learning and ongoing coaching to meet school-specific needs and goals. Our work aims to create systems-level change by shifting the culture and mindset of an entire school so that staff begin to see a child’s behavior in the context of their life experiences, in consideration of possible trauma history or stress response system triggers.

read more about the project about Evaluation of the N.C. Resilience and Learning Model


September 2018 - Ongoing

The Infant-Toddler Trauma-Informed Care (ITTI Care) Project leverages the existing early childhood education workforce support system to expand and strengthen trauma-informed knowledge and practice within the communities they serve.

read more about the project about ITTI Care

Evaluation of the Responsive Early Access for Durham’s Young Children (READY)

September 2019 - February 2025

Evaluation of a unified strategy to early childhood development called Responsive Early Access for Durham’s Young Children (READY). READY was created by a Durham-based nonprofit in partnership with early care and education, pediatrics, family support, mental health, and homeless services organizations and professionals.

read more about the project about Evaluation of the Responsive Early Access for Durham’s Young Children (READY)

Early Identification and Prevention of Child Maltreatment: Cross-Agency Processes and Outcomes

December 2019 - Ongoing

Local social service agencies and health care providers routinely make decisions regarding a child’s risk for maltreatment. Yet, providers have limited information to guide their decisions and rarely receive feedback regarding the children’s long-term outcomes.

read more about the project about Early Identification and Prevention of Child Maltreatment: Cross-Agency Processes and Outcomes

Survey of Health Trends (SEHAT)

September 2021 - August 2026

Study of children’s and adolescents’ trajectories of mental health, immunization, and primary healthcare utilization in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic. The research is being conducted in India, where one-sixth of the world’s population lives.

read more about the project about Survey of Health Trends (SEHAT)

Durham Navigation Study

October 2021 - April 2028

The Durham Navigation Study is a randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of Community Navigation on outcomes for young children and their families.

read more about the project about Durham Navigation Study

STEPS: Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success

May 2023 - February 2028

This project aims to advance research on the relationship between economic well-being, wealth, adolescent functioning and mental health.

read more about the project about STEPS: Study of Teen Experiences that Promote Success

Past Projects