Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The Effect of Unconditional Cash Transfers on Maternal Assessments of Children’s Early Language and Socioemotional Development: Experimental Evidence from U.S. Families Residing in Poverty
This study uses data from the Baby’s First Years randomized control trial to identify the causal impact of unconditional cash transfers on maternal reports of early childhood development.
Poverty and Inequality
Research Brief
Regular Monthly Cash Gifts in the Baby’s First Years Study: Program Design and Families’ Experiences
This brief summarizes findings from The Baby’s First Years study, examining the design and delivery of the BFY cash gift and how families experience and use the BFY cash gift. The BFY cash gift design provides an example of how cash transfers can be delivered in a way that can center families and entrust them with using the money as they see fit to support their families.
Poverty and Inequality
Reforming Welfare and Rewarding Work: Final Report on the Minnesota Family Investment Program
The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) began in 1994 as a major welfare initiative that differed from the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) by featuring the following elements: financial incentives to work; participation requirements for long-term welfare recipients; and simplification of welfare rules and procedures. This report examines MFIP’s effects on adults (vol 1) and children (vol 2).
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Pre-K Enrollments and Teaching Environments in North Carolina Elementary Schools
This study examines one of the mechanisms through which North Carolina’s statewide pre-K program (NC Pre-K) may generate such benefits: improvements in the teaching environments of the elementary schools in which NC Pre-K graduates enroll.
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Focus Groups as Counterspaces for Black Girls and Black Women: A Critical Approach to Research Methods
When researchers intentionally account for the complexities of gendered racism, focus groups can become spaces for healing, community building, information exchange, psychological safety, and support for Black girls and Black women. In this paper we advance strategies for employing focus groups as counterspaces, an anti-racist and anti-oppressive research method that educational psychologists can utilize to challenge current methodological approaches related to Black girls and Black women.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Using Critical Race Mixed Methodology to Explore African American College Students’ Experiences with Racial Microaggressions
This article advances the use of mixed methods in higher education research to better understand the racialized experiences of African American college students and demonstrate how Critical Race Mixed Methodology can be used to integrate quantitative and qualitative findings.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Low-Income Families’ Food Insecurity: Associations Across and Within Months of Receipt
Examination of the impact of the Child Tax Credit on families’ food security by family size and participation in other federal programs. Results suggest that the effectiveness of cash payments like the CTC in reducing economic hardships may depend on family characteristics like receipt of other federal benefits and household size.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
My Friends Made Me Do It: Peer Influences and Different Types of Vaping in Adolescence
Vaping is one of the most common forms of substance use among adolescents. Social influences play a key role in the decision to use substances and frequency of use during adolescence, and vaping is no exception. Using a sample of 891 adolescents, we explored whether the frequency of vaping nicotine and the frequency of vaping marijuana at age 17 were related to concurrent reports of resistance to peer influence, perceptions of friends vaping, and perceptions of classmates vaping.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Poverty Reduction and Childhood Opportunity Moves: A Randomized Trial of Cash Transfers to Low-Income U.S. Families with Infants
This study uses data from the Baby’s First Years (BFY) randomized trial to examine whether an unconditional cash transfer causes families to make opportunity moves to better quality neighborhoods.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Child-Directed Speech in a Large Sample of U.S. Mothers with Low Income
Using data from Baby’s First Years, this paper assesses the causal impact of monthly, unconditional cash transfers on child-directed speech and child vocalizations among a large, racially diverse sample of low-income U.S. mothers and their 1-year-olds.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Amplifying Youth Voices through Critical Literacy and Positive Youth Development: The Potential of University-Community Partnerships
This book explores the transformative power of critical literacy in fostering youth engagement through university-community partnerships. It is based on a six-year study by The Literacy and Community Initiative (LCI) at North Carolina State University.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Adolescent Boys’ Aggressive Responses to Perceived Threats to Their Gender Typicality
When adult men are made to feel gender-atypical, they often lash out with aggression, particularly when they are pressured (vs. autonomously motivated) to be gender-typical. This article examines the development of this phenomenon.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
It’s Not What You Say it’s What You Do: School Diversity Ideologies and Adolescent Mental Health and Academic Engagement
This study examined the relation between schools’ color-evasive versus multicultural diversity ideologies, school characteristics, and adolescent development.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Cultural Values, Parenting, and Child Adjustment in the United States
Examination of whether cultural values, conformity and parenting behaviours were related to child adjustment in middle childhood in the United States.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Research Brief
Adolescent Life Disruption Due to COVID-19
This brief outlines the findings from “How adolescents’ lives were disrupted over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal investigation in 12 cultural groups in 9 nations from March 2020 to July 2022” in the journal Development and Psychopathology. The authors investigate the extent to which adolescents’ lives were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the factors that caused these disruptions.
Poverty and Inequality
Research Brief
Regular, Monthly Unconditional Cash Gift Increases Families’ Investments in Young Children
This brief summarizes findings from The Baby’s First Years study, examining the ways in which a monthly unconditional high-cash gift has been used to support children’s learning and development. Results from the study highlight that such aid resulted in investments in children by increasing parents’ spending on child-specific goods and time spent on early learning activities.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Effects of a Monthly Unconditional Cash Transfer Starting at Birth on Family Investments Among US Families with Low Income
How does unconditional income for families in poverty affect parental investments for their young children? During the first 3 years of this study, high-cash gift households spent more money on child-specific goods and more time on child-specific early learning activities than the low-cash gift group.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Population Mental Health Science: Guiding Principles and Initial Agenda
A recent American Psychological Association Summit provided an urgent call to transform psychological science and practice away from a solely individual-level focus to become accountable for population-level impact on health and mental health. This article summarizes key points from the Summit.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Longitudinal Associations Between Positive Parenting and Youths’ Engagement in Sexting Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Filial Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Youths who enter emerging adulthood with a background of familial relations grounded in positive parent-child interactions are better equipped to cope with transitional stressors, to voice effectively their opinions with parents, and to resist engaging in risky activities. The study reveals filial self-efficacy beliefs as central to the benefits conveyed to teens by parents in reducing their sexting behaviors.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Bidirectional Longitudinal Associations Between Parental Self-Efficacy and Child Rule-Breaking Behaviours: A Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Study
Previous research shown that parental self-efficacy plays a protective role for children’s rule-breaking behaviours (i.e., parent-driven process), but rule-breaking also can reduce parents’ parental self-efficacy over-time (i.e., child-driven process). This study delves into the bidirectional longitudianl associations between parental self-efficacy and children’s rule-breaking behaviors.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Unconditional Cash and Breastfeeding, Child Care, and Maternal Employment among Families with Young Children Residing in Poverty
This study—the first randomized controlled trial of early childhood poverty reduction in the United States—investigates how increased economic resources affect 1,000 low-income US mothers’ breastfeeding, child-care, and employment practices and the ability to meet their intentions for these practices in the first year of their infant’s life.
Race Equity
Book Chapter
Qualitative and Mixed Methods
As the landscape and experiences of adolescents change, researchers should inquire beyond traditional methods and methodologies. In this article, we provide context on how researchers can challenge current approaches to explore understandings of adolescents by engaging in critical qualitative and mixed methods research.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Youth’s Political Identity and Fertility Desires
This study examines the association between political identity and young adults’ fertility desires from 1989 to 2019. Results show political identity has become increasingly salient for fertility desires.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
The Role of Family Relationships on Adolescents’ Development and Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review
This systematic review examined two research questions with 189 articles published from 2020-2022: (1) How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted families with adolescents, including broader family functioning, family relationship qualities, and parenting? and (2) How has the pandemic or pandemic-related stressors interacted with family functioning, family relationships, and parenting of adolescents to impact adolescent well-being and adjustment?
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Research Brief
Beyond Parental Wealth: Grandparental Wealth and the Transition to Adulthood
Young adulthood encompasses a number of decision points around education, employment, and fertility. To capture this complexity, this study examines how multigenerational wealth is related to four outcomes: college attendance, steady employment, early nonmarital birth, and idleness.
Child Welfare
Journal Articles
Understanding the Relation between Short Birth Spacing and Child Maltreatment: Are Associations Due to Parental History of Childhood Abuse and Neglect?
This study investigated connections between short birth spacing (birth-to-conception interval of under 18 months) and the risk of child maltreatment and found that maternal history of childhood maltreatment and short birth spacing are independent, additive factors for child maltreatment risk.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Book Chapter
Informal Stem Counterspaces for Black Girls and Critical Race Feminism: A Meta-Ethnographic Review
The objective of this chapter is to (1) explain how informal STEM counterspaces for Black girls in K-12 can lead to STEM career opportunities,(2) to share lessons from the field from existing programs in urban and non-urban spaces where Black girls’ voices are centered,(3) to consider areas for expansion,(4) to provide resource and tools and to assist with further understanding and exploration of how to engage in assisting Black girls in STEM counterspaces through research and practice.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Peer Relationships of Adolescents Around the World: A Rapid Systematic Review
The main objective of this rapid systematic review was to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted peer relationships for adolescents (10-25 years of age) around the globe.
Families and Parenting
Race Equity
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Unique Profiles of Postpartum Family Needs and Evidence of Racial and Ethnic Disparities: Insights from Community Implementation of Family Connects
Overall, families reported high levels of need during home visits, and community connections were facilitated for 57% of visited families. Significant differences in need profiles between whites and minoritized groups were revealed, reflecting both disparity and uniqueness.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Impulsivity Profiles Across Five Harmonized Longitudinal Childhood Preventive Interventions and Associations with Adult Outcomes
Overall, our study helps to inform understanding of the developmental course and
prognosis of impulsivity, as well as adding to collaborative efforts linking data across multiple studies to better inform understanding of
developmental processes.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Individualism, Collectivism and Conformity in Nine Countries: Relations with Parenting and Child Adjustment
This study investigated how individualism, collectivism and conformity are associated with parenting and child adjustment among 10-year-old children from 13 cultural groups in nine countries. Being connected to an interdependent, cohesive group appears to relate to parenting and children’s adjustment.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Journal Articles
African American Language in Children’s Literature
The purpose of this study was to determine the most prevalent African American Language (AAL) phonological and grammatical features in slavery- and Civil Rights-themed children’s literature.
Poverty and Inequality
Research Brief
Impact of Monthly Unconditional Cash on Food Security, Spending, and Consumption
New data from the Baby’s First Years study provide a look at family food security and how families with low incomes allocate additional funds, including spending on food.
Poverty and Inequality
Working Papers
The Impact of Monthly Unconditional Cash on Food Security, Spending, and Consumption: Three Year Follow-Up Findings from the Baby’s First Years Study
This paper summarizes previously published findings coupled with new analyses of data through the third year of follow-up on the effects of a monthly unconditional cash gift on outcomes related to food security, spending, and consumption from the Baby’s First Years study.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Parents’ Learning Support and School Attitudes in Relation to Adolescent Academic Identity and School Performance in Nine Countries
This study investigated relations among parental education, parents’ attitudes toward their adolescents’ school, parental support for learning at home, and adolescents’ academic identity and school performance over time and in different national contexts.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Patterns of Singlehood, Cohabitation, and Marriage in Early Adulthood in Relation to Well-Being in Established Adulthood
In a cohort followed from late adolescence until established adulthood, this study examined how singlehood, cohabitation, and marriage at different ages are related to well-being at age 34.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Monthly Unconditional Income Supplements Starting at Birth: Experiences Among Mothers of Young Children with Low Incomes in the U.S.
Recently, U.S. advocates and funders have supported direct cash transfers for individuals and families as an efficient, immediate, and non-paternalistic path to poverty alleviation. This article address questions and concerns about how such programs are implemented.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
How a Defensive Mindset Develops from Early Adverse Experiences and Guides Antisocial Outcomes
Longitudinal studies following children from early life through mid-adulthood show that physical abuse in the first five years of life leads children to adopt a defensive mindset that, in turn, cascades into long-term outcomes of externalizing psychopathology, incarceration, and dysfunction.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Family Cash Transfers in Childhood and Birthing Persons and Birth Outcomes Later in Life
Using data from a quasi-random natural experiment of a large family cash transfer among an American Indian tribe in rural North Carolina, this paper examines whether a positive disruption in socioeconomic status during childhood improves birthing person/perinatal outcomes when they become parents themselves.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Adolescents’ Relationships with Parents and Romantic Partners in Eight Countries
This study examines how parent-adolescent conflicts, attachment, positive parenting, and communication are related to adolescents’ romantic relationship quality, satisfaction, conflicts, and management. Results stress the relevance of parent-adolescent conflicts and attachment as factors connected to how adolescents experience romantic relationships.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Research Brief
Teachers’ First Classroom Experiences and Persistent Racial Gaps in Schooling
New research findings show that teachers’ experiences during their first year in the profession impact how they assess students, particularly Black students, later in their careers.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Intergenerational Effects of the Fast Track Intervention on Next-Generation Child Outcomes: A Preregistered Randomized Clinical Trial
Researchers examined whether the Fast Track mental health intervention delivered to individuals in childhood decreased mental health problems and the need for health services among the children of these individuals. They found children of Fast Track participants used fewer general inpatient services and fewer inpatient or outpatient mental health services.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Investigating if High-Quality Kindergarten Teachers Sustain the Pre-K Boost to Children’s Emergent Literacy Skill Development in North Carolina
This study tested the hypothesis that high-quality kindergarten teachers sustain and amplify the skill development of children who participated in North Carolina’s NC Pre-K program during the previous year. Higher value-added teachers promoted the skill development of all children, but did not differentially benefit the skill development of former NC Pre-K participants compared to non-participants.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
The Seeds of Success: Investing in Early Childhood Workforce
In early 2022, CCFP conducted focus groups comprised of diverse parents and child care providers from across North Carolina. This brief synthesizes their views on the system’s strengths, needs, and ideas for improvement with respect to the early care and education workforce.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
Family Perspectives on Availability and Affordability: Improving Access to Quality Early Education
In early 2022, CCFP conducted focus groups comprised of diverse parents and child care providers from across North Carolina. This brief synthesizes their views on the system’s strengths, needs, and ideas for improvement with respect to availability and affordability.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
Building Resilience: Nurturing Social and Emotional Health in Young Children
In early 2022, CCFP conducted focus groups comprised of diverse parents and child care providers from across North Carolina. This brief synthesizes their views on the system strengths, needs, and ideas for improvement with respect to young children’s social and emotional development.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
All Aboard: Parent and Provider Feedback on Meeting Early Care and Education School Readiness Goals
In early 2022, CCFP conducted focus groups comprised of diverse parents and child care providers from across North Carolina. This brief synthesizes their views on the system’s strengths, needs, and ideas for improvement with respect to school readiness.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
How Adolescents’ Lives were Disrupted Over the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Investigation in 12 Cultural Groups in 9 Nations from March 2020 to July 2022
To answer these questions about how much adolescents’ lives were disrupted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic or what risk factors predicted such disruption 1,080 adolescents in 9 nations were surveyed 5 times from March 2020 to July 2022, with findings presented in this article. Collectively, the findings provide new insights that policymakers can use to prevent the disruption of adolescents’ lives in future pandemics.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Can Peers Help Sustain the Positive Effects of an Early Childhood Mathematics Intervention?
This study assessed whether the peer environment in kindergarten and first grade affected student learning following an early mathematics intervention. Findings suggest that classroom peer effects may play only a limited role in sustaining early intervention effects.
Child Welfare
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Child Sexual Abuse Documentation in Primary Care Settings
In this study, primary care medical records were reviewed for children ages 3 to 17 with a subspecialty sexual abuse (SA) evaluation to assess factors associated with documentation of SA history and mental health management by the primary care provider.
Journal Articles
Memories of Parental Acceptance and Rejection Predict Forgiveness and Vengeance in the Muslim World: Introduction and Overview
Introduction to a special issue of The Journal of Genetic Psychology on forgiveness and vengeance in Muslim societies that further advance theoretical and empirical knowledge about the antecedents of forgiveness and vengeance.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Beyond Parental Wealth: Grandparental Wealth and the Transition to Adulthood
This study considers the multigenerational consequences of wealth transmission for the transition to young adulthood.
Child Welfare
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Associations of Childhood Adversity with Emotional Well-Being and Educational Achievement: A Review and Meta-Analysis
This systematic review and meta-analysis examined associations of three types of ACEs (abuse, neglect, and household dysfunctions) with experiential (emotional quality of momentary and everyday experiences) and reflective (judgments about life satisfaction, sense of meaning, and ability to pursue goals that can include and extend beyond the self) facets of emotional well-being (EWB) and educational achievement.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
The Developmental Trends of Parental Self-Efficacy and Adolescents’ Rule-Breaking Behaviors in the Italian Context: A 7-Wave Latent Growth Curve Study
Parental self-efficacy (PSE) captures parents’ beliefs in their ability to perform the parenting role successfully and to handle pivotal issues of specific developmental periods. This study examined the developmental trends of PSE among Italian mothers and fathers over seven waves as well as the longitudinal associations between PSE and rule-breaking behaviors during late adolescence.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Developmental Trajectories of Parental Self-Efficacy as Children Transition to Adolescence in Nine Countries: Latent Growth Curve Analyses
This study examined parental self-efficacy among mothers and fathers over 3.5 years during children’s transition into adolescence, and whether the level and developmental trajectory of parental self-efficacy varied by cultural group. Data were drawn from three waves of the Parenting Across Cultures (PAC) project, a large-scale longitudinal, cross-cultural study, across nine countries (12 ethnic/cultural groups). Results suggest that declines in parental self-efficacy documented in previous research are culturally influenced.
Child Welfare
Policy Briefs
Research Brief
What We Know About Current Electronic Health Record Tools for the Identification and Management of Child Abuse
This research brief summarizes finding from Electronic Health Record Tools to Identify Child Maltreatment: Scoping Literature Review and Key Informant Interviews, which reviewed existing research on EHR-based child abuse screens and clinical decision support systems. The authors also collected the perspectives of medical personnel on the implementation of such tools.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Journal Articles
First Impressions Matter: Evidence From Elementary-School Teachers
New research findings show that teachers’ experiences during their first year teaching impact how they assess students, particularly Black students, later in their careers.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Re-Envisioning the Culture of Undergraduate Biology Education to Foster Black Student Success: A Clarion Call
This paper presents an argument for why there is a need to re-envision the underlying culture of undergraduate biology education to ensure the success, retention, and matriculation of Black students.
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Association Between Relative Age at School and Persistence of ADHD in Prospective Studies: an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
This study explored the association between relative age and the persistence of ADHD diagnosis at older ages. Contrary to some expectations, children who were younger when they started kindergarten are as likely as children who were older to have a stable ADHD diagnosis.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Adolescents’ Perceived Changes in Internalizing Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Father Internalizing Symptoms and Parent Support in Germany and Slovakia
This study examined the relation between adolescents’ perceived changes in internalizing symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and four different family and peer relationships in Germany and Slovakia. In both countries, we found that higher levels of father internalizing symptoms exacerbated the relation between pandemic disruption and increases in pandemic-related adolescent internalizing symptoms. Similarly, parental support buffered the relation between adolescent perceptions of COVID-19 disruption and increases in the adolescents’ internalizing symptoms.
Early Care and Education
Families and Parenting
Policy Briefs
Impact of the Family Connects Program on Maternal and Infant Health and Well-Being
This research brief summarizes the findings of randomized control trial evaluations of the Family Connects program. The findings suggest that, when implemented with high quality, Family Connects has been effective at improving maternal and infant health and well-being and reducing health disparities among racial groups.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Contraception Use and Satisfaction Among Mothers with Low-Income: Evidence from the Baby’s First Years Study
Low income can lead to limited choice of and access to contraception. This study examined whether an unconditional cash transfer (UCT) impacts contraceptive use, including increased satisfaction with and reduced barriers to preferred methods, for individuals with low income. Receipt of monthly UCTs did not impact contraception methods, perceived barriers to use, or satisfaction.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Book Chapter
Moving Toward a Population Health Approach
In spite of the laudable efforts of psychological scientists to create evidence-based interventions and the tireless work of psychological professionals to implement these programs, we have not moved the needle on improving the population mental health (and overall health) and well-being of our nation’s children. In answer to this challenge, psychological scientists have begun to model three approaches to population mental health that could be emulated by the field: bottom-up scaling, top-down community-level interventions, and systems transformation.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Unconditional Cash Transfers and Maternal Assessments of Children’s Health, Nutrition, and Sleep: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Among children experiencing poverty, a monthly cash gift affected healthy food intake, but not health or sleep.
Poverty and Inequality
Working Papers
Education Gradients in Parental Time Investment and Subjective Well-Being
College-educated mothers spend substantially more time in intensive childcare than less educated mothers despite their higher opportunity cost of time and working more hours. This study looks at one reason this may be by testing the hypothesis that college-educated mothers enjoy childcare more.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Intraindividual Variability in Parental Acceptance-Rejection Predicts Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Across Childhood/Adolescence in Nine Countries.
Parenting that is high in rejection and low in acceptance is associated with higher levels of internalizing and externalizing problems in children and adolescents. Findings show that more variability over time in experiences of parental acceptance/rejection predicts internalizing and externalizing symptoms as children transition into adolescence, and this effect is present across multiple diverse samples.
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Working Papers
Black Reparations and Child Well-Being: A Framework and Policy Considerations
This working paper provides a child-centric framework for reparations and the resulting
policy considerations and implications for child descendants of enslaved African Americans.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Associations Between Maternal Stress and Infant Resting Brain Activity Among Families Residing in Poverty in the U.S.
Findings from this study suggest that, among families experiencing low economic resources, maternal reports of stress are associated with differences in patterns of infant resting brain activity during the first year of life.
Early Care and Education
Journal Articles
Reflecting on Infant/Toddler Mental Health and the Early Care and Education Workforce in North Carolina
COVID-19 has led to a child care workforce and mental health crisis for staff, families, and children under age three (infants and toddlers). The current level of stress for children, families, and infant-toddler early care and education professionals and its impact on infant and toddler well-being needs our attention.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Working Papers
Are Friends of Schools the Enemies of Equity? The Interplay of Public School Funding Policies and Private External Fundraising
School districts across the U.S. have adopted funding policies designed to distribute resources more equitably across schools. However, schools are also increasing external fundraising efforts to supplement district budget allocations. This study found that external fundraising offset the policy-induced per-pupil expenditure gap by 26-39 percent.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Building an Ecological Momentary Assessment Smartphone App for 4- to 10-Year-Old Children: A Pilot Study
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) minimizes recall burden and maximizes ecological validity and has emerged as a valuable tool. However, EMA has yet to be reliably utilized in young children. The present study evaluates the performance of a developmentally appropriate EMA smartphone app for young children ages 4–10.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Intergenerational Effects of a Family Cash Transfer on the Home Environment
A family cash transfer in childhood that had long-term effects on individual functioning did not impact the home environment of participants who became parents. Rather, parents in both groups were providing home environments generally conducive to their children’s growth and development.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Co-Development of Internalizing Symptoms and Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy in Adolescence: Time-Varying Effects of COVID-19-Related Stress and Social Support
Using data from surveys of Italian adolescents, researchers looked at the pattern of adolescent coping from just before the pandemic started and then for two more years. As adolescents reported feeling more stress about the pandemic, they reported more symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reported feeling less capable of coping with negative emotions. The findings are important for informing interventions to strengthen coping strategies for adolescents during stressful community-wide events.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Cross-Sector Intervention Strategies to Target Childhood Food Insecurity in North Carolina
Health care systems are increasingly prioritizing food insecurity interventions to improve health, but it is unclear how health systems collaborate with other sectors that are addressing food insecurity. This study evaluated existing collaborations and explore opportunities for further cross-sector engagement.
Journal Articles
Managing and Minimizing Online Survey Questionnaire Fraud: Lessons from the Triple C Project
The use of online questionnaires for research purposes has proliferated in recent years. However, many researchers undertake online survey research without knowledge of the prevalence and likelihood of experiencing survey questionnaire fraud nor familiarity with measures used to identify fraud once it has occurred. We offer lessons learned to illustrate the sophisticated nature of fraud in online research and the importance of multi-pronged strategies to detect and limit online survey questionnaire fraud.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Intra‐ and Interpersonal Factors and Adolescent Wellbeing During COVID‐19 in Three Countries
COVID-19 has altered adolescents’ opportunities for developing and strengthening interpersonal skills and proficiencies. Using data from adolescents in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom, we examined the relation between internalizing symptoms assessed pre-pandemic or when pandemic-related restrictions were lifted and associated internalizing symptoms during a subsequent restrictive pandemic period.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Emotion-Related Self-Regulation Profiles in Early Adolescence: A Cross-National Study
Researchers studying predictors of adolescents’ adjustment have increasingly focused on temperamental characteristics of self-regulation (e.g., effortful control – EC) and negative emotionality (NE). This study contributed to understanding how different configurations of specific dimensions of NE and EC were associated with aggressive and prosocial behaviors and if these associations differed across genders and three different countries, two of which have seldom been examined.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The Buffering Effect of State Eviction and Foreclosure Policies for Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
The COVID-19 pandemic spurred an economic downturn that may have eroded population mental health, especially for renters and homeowners at risk of housing loss. Findings show that individuals who reported difficulty keeping up with rent or mortgage had increased anxiety and depression risks but that state eviction/foreclosure bans weakened these associations.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The Compounding Impact of Racial Microaggressions: The Experiences of African American Students in Predominantly White Institutions
African American students often encounter racial microaggressions when attending predominantly white institutions (PWIs). Experiencing racial microaggressions can negatively affect African American students’ feelings of belonging to the campus community. Racial microaggressions can also affect students’ physical and emotional stability.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Understanding Heterogeneity in the Impact of Public Preschool Programs
Estimates indicate that a child’s exposure to higher NC Pre-K funding was positively associated with that child’s academic achievement 6 years later. NC Pre-K funding effects on achievement were positive for all subgroups tested, and statistically significant for most.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Racial Microaggressions and the Health of African American Students
Article reviews what racial microaggressions are, the impact of microaggressions on african-americans students, and research-based recommendations to address racial microaggressions in educational settings.
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Kindergarten Conduct Problems are Associated with Monetized Outcomes in Adolescence and Adulthood
Researchers examined whether kindergarten conduct problems among mostly population-representative samples of children were associated with increased criminal and related costs across adolescence and adulthood, as well as government and medical services costs in adulthood.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
The Role of Public and Private Food Assistance in Supporting Families’ Food Security and Meal Routines
“Backpack” food programs administered through public schools send non-perishable foods home with children to supplement school meals. Power Packs Project (PPP) is a unique backpack program, in that it provides fresh food. This study is the first to examine the effect of picking up a Power Pack in a given week on parent and child food insecurity and meal routines.
Child Welfare
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Birth Spacing and Child Maltreatment: Population-Level Estimates for North Carolina
Findings provide the strongest evidence to date that very short birth spacing of zero through 6 months from last birth to the index child’s conception is a prenatal predictor of child maltreatment (indexed as child welfare involvement) throughout early childhood. However, challenging previous empirical evidence, this study reports inconsistent results for benefits of additional spacing delay beyond 6 months with regard to child maltreatment risk reduction, especially for children of racial and ethnic minorities.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Predicting Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes Across Cultures: A Machine Learning Approach
This study demonstrates how data- and theory-driven methods can be integrated to identify the most important preadolescent risk factors in predicting adolescent mental health.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Day-to-day Variation in Adolescent Food Insecurity
Food insecurity among adolescents is not static but varies from day to day. This daily variation is greater for economically disadvantaged youth.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The effects of a universal short-term home visiting program: Two-year impact on parenting behavior and parent mental health
Assignment to Family Connects, a short-term home visiting program, was associated with improvements in population-level self-reported scores of positive parenting 2 years post-intervention.
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
School-Based Healthcare Can Address Children’s Unmet Health Needs: Models, Evidence, and Policies
This brief, published in partnership with the Hunt Institute, describes the state of school-aged children’s health and healthcare access in the U.S., summarizes research on the link between children’s health and educational performance, and presents examples and models of school-based healthcare along with summaries of the existing evidence on their effectiveness.
Child Welfare
Policy Briefs
Research Brief
Children Evaluated for Maltreatment Have Higher Subsequent Emergency Department and Inpatient Care Utilization than the General Pediatric Population
Receipt of maltreatment evaluation was associated with a higher risk of subsequent acute health service use, both for maltreatment-related illnesses and for broader conditions.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Co-Regulation: What It Is and Why it Matters
Short video on co-regulation, the interactive process by which caring adults (1) provide warm supportive relationships, (2) promote self-regulation through coaching, modeling, and feedback, and (3) structure supportive environments.
Child Welfare
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Levels
The authors performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of ACE exposure on Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels – a neural biomarker involved in childhood and adult neurogenesis and long-term memory formation.
Early Care and Education
Journal Articles
Universal Teacher-Child Interaction Training in Early Childhood Special Education: A cluster randomized control trial
Current findings build support for the effectiveness of TCIT-U as universal prevention of behavior problems with an ethnically and racially diverse sample of teachers and children, including children with developmental disabilities.
K-12 Education
Book Chapter
Situated Professional Learning through Targeted Reading Instruction: Building Teacher Capacity and Diagnostic Practice
In their chapter, Situated Professional Learning through Targeted Reading Instruction: Building Teacher Capacity and Diagnostic Practice, in Innovations in Literacy Professional Learning, Leslie Babinski and co-authors explore professional learning within the Targeted Reading Instruction model.
Poverty and Inequality
Working Papers
Unconditional Cash Transfers for Families with Children in the U.S.: A Scoping Review
This paper reviews the economic research on U.S. safety net programs and cash aid to families with children and what existing studies reveal about its impacts on family investment mechanisms and children’s outcomes.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
A Theory-Based Approach to Understanding Best Practices in Using Online Marketing Materials for Home-Based Parenting Programs
Findings have implications for ways to successfully market home-based parenting programs to families experiencing risk factors for child maltreatment and engage them in evidence-based services to promote family well-being.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
“It’s Like Night and Day”: How Bureaucratic Encounters Vary Across WIC, SNAP, and Medicaid
Research characterizes public assistance programs as stigmatizing and stressful (e.g., psychological costs) but obscures differences across programs or the features of policy design that contribute to varied bureaucratic encounters.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Net Worth Poverty and Adult Health
This study broadens the traditional focus on income as the primary measure of economic deprivation by providing the first analysis of wealth deprivation, or net worth poverty (NWP), and adult health.
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Working Papers
School-Based Healthcare and Absenteeism: Evidence from Telemedicine
School-based telemedicine clinics (SBTCs) provide students with access to healthcare during the regular school day through private videoconferencing with a healthcare provider. SBTC access reduces the likelihood that a student is chronically absent and reduces the number of days absent.
Race Equity
Book Chapter
The Utility of Critical Race Mixed Methodology: An Explanatory Sequential Example
In their chapter, The Utility of Critical Race Mixed Methodology: An Explanatory Sequential Example, in Advancing Culturally Responsive Research and Researchers, Whitney McCoy and co-authors explore the combining of mixed methodology and critical race theory (CRT) through the explaining of Critical Race Mixed Methodology (CRMM).
Families and Parenting
Book Chapter
The Parenting of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States
In the APA Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development, Drew Rothenberg and co-authors focus on the parenting of adolescents and young adults in the United States. First considering some of the sociodemographic trends that are reshaping families, then examining classic social learning and behavioral approaches to conceptualizing the parenting of adolescents as well as family systems approaches.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Book Chapter
An International Perspective on Parenting and Family Influences on Adolescents and Young Adults
In the APA Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development, Jen Lansford and co-authors discuss how parents and their adolescent and young adult offspring observe and participate in parent–offspring interactions in their communities and hold expectations about their own relationships derived in part from culturally shaped expectations.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Race Equity
Plea Tracking in the Durham County District Attorney’s Office
The purpose of this report is to highlight the insights from our first year that we can glean from plea tracking, describe the cases managed in the Durham Office, and draw attention to any emerging patterns in case characteristics and prosecutorial discretion.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Child Welfare
Journal Articles
State-Level Legal and Sociodemographic Correlates of Child Marriage Rates in the United States
Although there is a breadth of knowledge on child marriage in many low- and middle-income countries, little research and policy discussion exists surrounding child marriage within the United States. Using administrative data from several sources, this study examines how a range of different state-level variables, including political lean, academic performance, median household income, religiosity, population density, minimum age requirements and other state laws, such as parental and judicial consent, and median distance to an abortion clinic are related to variation in child marriage rates across states.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
The HOME-21: A Revised Measure of the Home Environment for the 21st Century Tested in Two Independent Samples
To reflect historical changes in family composition, gender roles and division of childcare, norms about the acceptability of different forms of discipline, and the digital environment in which children live, this report presents the HOME-21, a revised version of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment–Short Form, which has been the most widely used measure of children’s home environments for decades.
Families and Parenting
Why Are My Parents So Annoying?
CrowdScience listener Ilixo, age 11, has been wondering why it is that our parents become so annoying as we become teenagers. Is it something that is changing in his brain or are they actually becoming more annoying as they age? Presenter Marnie Chesterton consults our assembled panel of experts, including Jennifer Lansford, a Research Professor at Duke University who studies parenting and child development.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Predicting Child Aggression: The Role of Parent and Child Endorsement of Reactive Aggression Across 13 Cultural Groups in 9 Nations
Parent and child endorsement of reactive aggression both predict the emergence of child aggression, but they are rarely studied together and in longitudinal contexts. The present study does so by examining the unique predictive effects of parent and child endorsement of reactive aggression at age 8 on child aggression at age 9 in 1456 children from 13 cultural groups in 9 nations.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Research Brief
Practitioners in North Carolina’s TANF and Related Income Assistance Programs Offer Perspectives on Latino Families’ Experiences
This brief is part of a series to examine state-level policies that relate to social service and safety net programs and the ways in which state and federal policy implementation at the local level may affect the reach of program benefits among Latino families.
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Earned Income Tax Credit Receipt By Hispanic Families With Children: State Outreach And Demographic Factors
In this study, researchers found that states’ granting of drivers’ licenses to undocumented people, availability of government information in Spanish, and employer mandates to inform employees were associated with higher EITC receipt among Hispanic families. These findings showcase ways in which information and outreach at the state level can support the equitable receipt of tax refunds and similar types of benefits distributed through the tax system.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Parents as Earners: What Parental Work Means for Parenting and the Role of Public Policy
Lisa Gennetian and Anna Gassman-Pines’ chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Parenting focuses on families with young children age 0-5 and considers the context of work and employment for parents, the role of child care and early education as supports for working parents, and the theoretical and empirical linkages between parents’ work contexts and parenting.
Families and Parenting
Book Chapter
Discipline and Punishment in Child Development
Jen Lansford’s chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Parenting provides an overview of parents’ discipline and punishment in relation to child development.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
Teacher Workforce Diversity: Why It Matters for Student Outcomes
Increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of educators serving students in our public schools is a promising strategy that is vastly underutilized. The research has repeatedly shown the importance of a diverse teacher workforce. However, the path to increase diversity of educators is complex and will take significant efforts and investments by policymakers and advocates to accomplish.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Familial Deaths and First Birth
Motivated by the rise in premature mortality among working-age adults, we examine the association between adult familial deaths and the transition to motherhood. Although many deaths can be disruptive, deaths that occur sooner than expected and to certain family members (e.g., mothers) may prompt changes in resources, time available for parenting, or psychological understandings in ways that change fertility behavior.
K-12 Education
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
How Charter Schools Undermine Good Education Policymaking
In this policy memo, Ladd argues that charter schools disrupt four core goals of education policy in the United States, namely: 1) establishing coherent systems of schools, 2) attending to child poverty and disadvantage, 3) limiting racial segregation and isolation, and 4) ensuring that public funds are spent wisely. Ladd offers policy recommendations to better meet these challenges.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Pandemic-Era Unemployment Insurance Access: Implications For Health And Well-Being
During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers not identifying as White non-Hispanic in our sample were more likely to get laid off than White workers. However, these workers were less likely than White workers to receive unemployment insurance at all. Among those who were laid off, these workers and White workers experienced similar increases in material and mental health difficulties and similar gains when they received unemployment insurance.
Child Welfare
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Do children evaluated for maltreatment have higher subsequent emergency department and inpatient care utilization compared to a general pediatric sample?
This article presents data on the positive association of having a child maltreatment evaluation with subsequent acute health care utilization among children from birth to age three.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
‘I don’t know nothing about that’: How “Learning Costs” Undermine COVID-Related Efforts to Make SNAP and WIC More Accessible.
Scholars have focused on administrative burden or the costs of claiming public benefits. Learning, psychological, and compliance costs can discourage program participation and benefit redemption. Although policy changes during COVID-19 were poised to reduce compliance costs and ease conditions that create redemption costs in each program, the learning costs of policy changes prevented many program participants from experiencing the benefits of these policy transformations.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
Identifying Barriers to Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Teacher Workforce
A diverse teacher workforce has the potential to improve outcomes for all students, and especially for students of color. While North Carolina clearly recognizes the importance of increasing diversity in the workforce – and despite national and local efforts from school districts and policy makers – the teaching workforce remains largely white and female, even as the students they serve become increasingly diverse, widening the racial gap between teachers and students.
Child Welfare
Journal Articles
What Do Child Abuse and Neglect Medical Evaluation Consultation Notes Tell Researchers and Clinicians?
Child abuse and neglect medical experts provide care to children when there is concern for maltreatment. Their clinical notes contain valuable information. This article includes the results of creating and implemented a coding system for data abstraction from these notes.
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Can Community Crime Monitoring Reduce Student Absenteeism?
This article examines the impact on student absenteeism of a large, school-based community crime monitoring program that employed local community members to monitor and report crime on designated city blocks during times when students traveled to and from school. The authors find that the program resulted in a 0.58 percentage point (8.5 percent) reduction in the elementary school-level absence rate in the years following initial implementation.
K-12 Education
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Comprehensive Support and Student Success: Can Out of School Time Make a Difference?
The author investigates the effects of a multiyear program, StudentU, on the early high school outcomes of participating students by exploiting data from oversubscribed admissions lotteries. Results suggest that comprehensive services delivered outside of the regular school day have the potential to improve the educational outcomes of disadvantaged students.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Gun violence among young adults with a juvenile crime record in North Carolina: Implications for firearm restrictions based on age and risk
The prevalence of arrests for crimes involving guns among young adults in North Carolina with a gun-disqualifying felony record acquired before age 18 suggests that the federal gun prohibitor conferred by a felony record is not highly effective as currently implemented in this population. From a risk-based perspective, these restrictions appear to be justified; better implementation and enforcement may improve their effectiveness.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Book Chapter
Child Growth, National Development, and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low-and Middle-Income Countries
In Parenting and Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Drew Rothenberg and Susannah Zietz’s chapter, Child Growth, National Development, and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low-and Middle-Income Countries, considers the effects of multiple bioecological systems on child growth and development.
Families and Parenting
Book Chapter
Parent Discipline and Violence, National Development, and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low-and Middle-Income Countries
In Parenting and Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Jennifer Lansford, Drew Rothenberg and Kirby Deater-Deckard’s chapter, Parent Discipline and Violence, National Development, and Early Childhood Development in 51 Low- and Middle-Income Countries, focuses on nonviolent discipline, psychological aggression, and physical violence in relation to specific domains of early childhood development.
Families and Parenting
Book Chapter
Predictors of Early Childhood Development
In Parenting and Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Drew Rothenberg and co-authors chapter, Predictors of Early Childhood Development, analyzes how the representations of different process, person, and context systems fare relative to one another in predicting the early childhood development outcomes
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
Net Worth Poverty and Child Development
These findings provide evidence that net worth poverty has negative associations with children’s development. Net worth poverty predicts lower reading and applied problem scores and increased behavioral problems.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Net Worth Poverty and Child Development
This study provides evidence that net worth poverty has negative associations with children’s development.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Impact of a Universal Perinatal Home-Visiting Program on Reduction in Race Disparities in Maternal and Child Health
This study demonstrates that a universal approach to early family intervention can have positive population impact while also reducing disparities in outcomes.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Book Chapter
Latinx Immigrant Parents and Their Children in Times of COVID-19: Facing Inequities Together in the “Mexican Room” of the New Latino South
In their chapter, Latinx Immigrant Parents and Their Children in Times of COVID-19: Facing Inequities Together in the “Mexican Room” of the New Latino South, in The Pandemic Divide: How Covid Increased Inequality in America, Leslie Babinski and co-authors outline the state of affairs for Latinx families in the southeastern US in times of Covid-19 and to situate what is happening within the broader experiences of Latinx communities in the US.
K-12 Education
Poverty and Inequality
Policy Briefs
Measuring Educational Opportunity in North Carolina Public School Districts
This research brief examines two measures of educational opportunity in North Carolina public school districts, average achievement and achievement growth. The first measure— average achievement—indexes the average level of student achievement at a single point in time. The second measure—achievement growth—indexes the rate of growth in student achievement over time.
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Case Positivity and Social Context: The Role of Housing, Neighborhood, and Health Insurance
This paper analyzed how housing, neighborhood, and health insurance explain disparities in case positivity between and within racial-ethnic groups in Durham County, North Carolina, finding that housing, neighborhood, and health insurance had a significant role in producing racial-ethnic disparities in COVID-19 case positivity.
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
When Does Crime Respond to Punishment?: Evidence from Drug-Free School Zones
Economic theory suggests that crime should respond to punishment severity. Using increases in punishment severity in drug-free school zones along with changes in the probability of detection resulting from a community crime-monitoring program, we demonstrate that drug-related crime drops in blocks just within the drug-free school zones, where punishments are more severe, but only if the monitoring intensity–and hence the probability of detection–is at intermediate levels.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Predictors of Problematic Adult Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Substance Use: A Longitudinal Study of Two Samples
This study examined whether a key set of adolescent and early adulthood risk factors predicts problematic alcohol, cannabis, and other substance use in established adulthood. Externalizing behaviors and prior substance use in early adulthood were consistent predictors of problematic alcohol and cannabis misuse in established adulthood across samples.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Working Papers
Unconditional Cash and Family Investments in Infants: Evidence from a Large-Scale Cash Transfer Experiment in the U.S.
A key policy question in evaluating social programs to address childhood poverty is how families receiving unconditional financial support would spend those funds. Economists have limited empirical evidence on this topic in the U.S. We find that the cash transfers increased spending on child-specific goods and mothers’ early-learning activities with their infants.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Effect of Daily School and Care Disruptions During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Behavior Problems
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected American families and children, including through the closure or change in the nature of their care and school settings. For all families, care or school disruptions were related to worse child behavior, more negative parental mood, and increased likelihood of losing temper and punishment.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
The Effects of the Emeryville Fair Workweek Ordinance on the Daily Lives of Low-Wage Workers and Their Families
Emeryville, California’s Fair Workweek Ordinance (FWO) aimed to reduce service workers’ schedule unpredictability by requiring large retail and food service employers to provide advanced notice of schedules and to compensate workers for last-minute schedule changes. The FWO decreased working parents’ schedule unpredictability and improved their well-being, decreased parents’ days worked while increasing hours per work day, and parent well-being improved.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Intergenerational effects of the Fast Track intervention on the home environment: A randomized control trial
This study examined whether the childhood intervention program called Fast Track improves family life into the second generation.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Compliance with Health Recommendations and Vaccine Hesitancy During the COVID Pandemic in Nine Countries
Longitudinal data from the Parenting Across Cultures study of children, mothers, and fathers in 12 cultural groups in nine countries were used to understand predictors of compliance with COVID-19 mitigation strategies and vaccine hesitancy. Findings suggest the importance of bolstering confidence in government responses to future human ecosystem disruptions, perhaps through consistent, clear, non-partisan messaging and transparency in acknowledging limitations and admitting mistakes to inspire compliance with government and public health recommendations.
Poverty and Inequality
Three Reasons Why Providing Cash to Families With Children Is a Sound Policy Investment
This paper, co-authored by Lisa Gennetian, provides three reasons why giving cash to families with low incomes is a sound policy investment for families and children. (It focuses on why cash is important, not which policy option is the optimal mechanism for distributing cash to families.)
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Marriage, Kids, and the Picket Fence? Household Type and Wealth among U.S. Households, 1989 to 2019
Researchers examine net worth by the intersection of gender, parental, and relationship status during a period of increasing wealth inequality and family diversification using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances from 1989 through 2019. Despite changing social selection into marriage and parenthood, married parents consistently held a wealth advantage over demographically similar adults in other household types.
Child Welfare
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Behavioral Economics & Child and Family Policy: A Research Primer
Behavioral economics (BE) combines economics with social psychology and cognitive decision-making to offer a broader framework for understanding factors that affect people’s decisions and actions. It provides a way to examine how decisions can be shaped not only by information and costs but by how choices are designed, as well as the context and circumstances of the moment in which decisions are made.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Adult Criminal Outcomes of Juvenile Justice Involvement.
Juvenile justice involvement was associated with increased risk of adult criminality, with residential services associated with highest risk. Juvenile justice involvement may catalyze rather than deter from adult offending.
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Are Power Plant Closures a Breath of Fresh Air? Local Air Quality and School Absences
In this paper the authors study the effects of three large, nearly-simultaneous coal-fired power plant closures on school absences in Chicago. They find that the closures resulted in a 6 percent reduction in absenteeism in nearby schools relative to those farther away following the closures.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Adolescent Positivity and Future Orientation, Parental Psychological Control, and Young Adult Internalising Behaviours during COVID-19 in Nine Countries
This study investigated associations between COVID-19-related disruption and perception of increases in internalising symptoms among young adults and whether these associations were moderated by earlier measures of adolescent positivity and future orientation and parental psychological control.
Child Welfare
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Electronic Health Record Tools to Identify Child Maltreatment: Scoping Literature Review and Key Informant Interviews
We conducted a scoping literature review and key informant interviews of child maltreatment experts to (1) document the existing research evidence on the performance of EHR-based child abuse screens (EHR-CA-S) and clinical decision support systems (EHR-CA-CDSS )and (2) examine clinical perspectives regarding the use of such tools and factors that affect uptake. We find that current evidence does not support adoption of a particular CA-S or CA-CDSS and that further refinement of these tools is necessary.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The impact of a poverty reduction intervention on infant brain activity
Data from the Baby’s First Years study, a randomized control trial, show that a predictable, monthly unconditional cash transfer given to low-income families may have a causal impact on infant brain activity.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Working Papers
Effects of Daily School and Care Disruptions During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Child Mental Health
The pandemic profoundly affected American children with disruptions to their schooling and daily care. A new study found that service sector workers who had a young child reported disruption on 24 percent of days in fall 2020. The disruptions were more common in remote learning and had a negative impact on children’s behavior and on parenting mood and behavior.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Transitioning to virtual interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on the family connects postpartum home visiting program activity
In this paper, we analyze program activity for Family Connects (FC), an evidencebased postpartum home-visiting intervention, during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the pandemic began, FC transitioned to a virtual protocol which maintains key psychosocial components of the in-person protocol and adjusts health assessments to address the lack of in-person contact.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Home Visiting Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Program Activity Analysis for Family Connects
Early reports highlighted challenges in delivering home visiting programs virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic but the extent of the changes in program implementation and their implications remains unknown. We examine program activity and families’ perceptions of virtual home visiting during the first nine months of the pandemic using implementation data for Family Connects (FC), an evidence-based and MIECHV-eligible, postpartum nurse home visiting program.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Family Connects Dissemination to Four High-Poverty Rural Counties
Home visiting is a popular approach to improving the health and well-being of families with infants and young children in the United States; but, to date, no home visiting program has achieved population impact for families in rural communities. The current report includes evaluation results from the dissemination of a brief, universal postpartum home visiting program to four high-poverty rural counties.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The Intergenerational Transmission of Maladaptive Parenting and its Impact on Child Mental Health: Examining Cross-Cultural Mediating Pathways and Moderating Protective Factors
Using a sample of 1338 families from 12 cultural groups in 9 nations, we examined whether retrospectively remembered Generation 1 (G1) parent rejecting behaviors were passed to Generation 2 (G2 parents), whether such intergenerational transmission led to higher Generation 3 (G3 child) externalizing and internalizing behavior at age 13, and whether such intergenerational transmission could be interrupted by parent participation in parenting programs or family income increases of > 5%.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Pre-Pandemic Psychological and Behavioral Predictors of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nine Countries
Across countries, adolescents’ internalizing problems pre-pandemic predicted increased internalizing during the pandemic, and poorer well-being pre-pandemic predicted increased externalizing and substance use during the pandemic.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Culture and Social Change in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Individualism, Collectivism and Parenting Attitudes
Historically, individualism vs. collectivism has been a main organizing framework for understanding cultural differences in family life. This study examines parents in nine countries to understand their individualism, collectivism and parenting attitudes. They found parenting attitudes are predicted by a range of sociodemographic factors.
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Parent–adolescent relationship quality as a moderator of links between COVID-19 disruption and reported changes in mothers’ and young adults’ adjustment in five countries.
This study capitalizes on a longitudinal, cross-national study of parenting, adolescent development, and young adult competence to document the association between personal disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic and reported changes in internalizing and externalizing behavior in young adults and their mothers since the pandemic began.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Policy Briefs
The Benefits of Early Childhood Education Can Persist in the Long Run
This brief examines how the benefits of high-quality ECE might simultaneously diminish and persist in the long run. Strategies are then discussed to sustain the impacts of ECE during elementary school.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use among adults without children, parents, and adolescents
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol and illicit substance use among adults without children, parents, and adolescents was investigated through two studies with five samples from independent ongoing U.S. longitudinal studies.
Child Welfare
Journal Articles
Text-Based Crisis Service Users’ Perceptions of Seeking Child Maltreatment-Related Support From Formal Systems
Many young people were hesitant to reach out to formal systems in the future, in part because of negative experiences during past disclosure experiences. Young people may be more likely to seek support through their preferred communication medium, so providing text- and chat-based communication may be one way to encourage and facilitate disclosure.
Early Care and Education
Families and Parenting
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Light-touch design enhancements can boost parent engagement in math activities
Early proficiency in math skills is increasingly being seen as an independent area worthy of early curriculum development and policy investment to reduce socioeconomic disparities in children’s school readiness.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Understanding Patterns of Food Insecurity and Family Well-Being Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Daily Surveys
This paper investigates economic and psychological hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic among a diverse sample of socioeconomically disadvantaged parents and their elementary school-aged children. Longitudinal models revealed that food insecurity, negative parent and child mood, and child misbehavior significantly increased when schools closed; only food insecurity and parent depression later decreased.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Journal Articles
Development of individuals’ own and perceptions of peers’ substance use from early adolescence to adulthood
This study evaluated how individuals’ own substance use and their perception of peers’ substance use predict each other across development from early adolescence to middle adulthood.
Poverty and Inequality
Book Chapter
Increasing Instability and Uncertainty among American Workers Implications for Inequality and Potential Policy Solutions
Anna Gassman Pines, Elizabeth Ananat, and Yulya Trushinovsky wrote a chapter in the book Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity. In the chapter, they identify how recent trends combine to increase instability and uncertainty among low-wage workers, discuss the effects of instability and uncertainty on workers and families, and consider potential policy solutions.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Childhood Gun Access, Adult Suicidality, and Crime
Analyses were based on a 20+ year prospective, community-representative study of 1420 children, who were assessed up to 8 times during childhood (ages 9–16; 6674 observations) about access to guns in their home.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
“It Was Actually Pretty Easy”: COVID-19 Compliance Cost Reductions in the WIC Program
Studies identify one element of compliance costs—quarterly appointments—as a barrier to continued WIC participation. This article draws on 44 in-depth qualitative interviews with participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to examine how WIC participants perceived the reduction of compliance costs following the implementation of remote appointments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. WIC participants reported satisfaction with remote appointments and a reduction in the compliance costs of accessing and maintaining benefits.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Childhood Wealth Inequality in the United States: Implications for Social Stratification and Well-Being
Wealth inequality—the unequal distribution of assets and debts across a population—has reached historic levels in the United States, particularly for households with children.
Child Welfare
Families and Parenting
Journal Articles
Effect of a Universal Postpartum Nurse Home Visiting Program on Child Maltreatment and Emergency Medical Care at 5 Years of Age: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The Family Connects (FC) program, a community-wide nurse home visiting program for newborns, has been shown to provide benefits for children and families through the first 5 years of life.
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
Behind the Findings: Policies that Contribute to Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Net Worth Poverty
This brief summarizes the findings from Net Worth Poverty in Child Households by Race and Ethnicity, 1989–2019 in the Journal of Marriage and the Family and offers historical context for U.S. policies that have contributed to racial and ethnic differences in net worth poverty in child households.
Child Welfare
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Book Chapter
Maternal Imprisonment and the Timing of Children’s Foster Care Involvement
Beth Gifford, Megan Golonka and Kelly Evans wrote a chapter of the book, Children with Incarceratead Mothers Separation, Loss, and Reunification. The chapter summarized findings of their study that examined the timing of mother’s incarceration in relation to her children’s involvement with social services, contributory factors leading to foster care placement, and foster care discharge outcomes.
Poverty and Inequality
Policy Briefs
Improving Access to Critical Nutrition Assistance Programs
Participants of the study pointed to a number of actionable recommendations to increase program participation and enhance the participant experience in the nutrition assistance programs SNAP and WIC: Federal and state WIC programs should strengthen vendor management to improve the shopping experience. State and local agencies should develop peer programs to educate WIC participants on…
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Insurance Barriers, Gendering, and Access: Interviews with Central North Carolinian Women About Their Health Care Experiences
Women face unique logistical and financial barriers to health care access.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
The Effect of Coal-Fired Power Plant Closures on Emergency Department Visits for Asthma-Related Conditions Among 0- to 4-Year-Old Children in Chicago, 2009–2017
This article investigates the effects of coal-fired power plant closures on zip code–level rates of emergency department visits for asthma-related conditions among 0- to 4-year-old children in Chicago, Illinois. Findings demonstrate that closing coal-fired power plants can lead to improvements in the respiratory health of young children.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Impacts of Heightened Immigration Enforcement on U.S. Citizens’ Birth Outcomes
Key Takeaways: Harsher immigration law enforcement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement leads to decreased use of prenatal care for foreign-born mothers and declines in birth weight. The uptick in ICE activities under the Trump administration may have long-lasting, harmful effects on U.S.-born citizens. Sheriffs and local governments should terminate their 287(g) agreements with ICE…
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
“It Takes a While to Get Used to”: The Costs of Redeeming Public Benefits
Scholars have examined how administrative burden creates barriers to accessing public benefits but have primarily focused on the challenges of claiming benefits. Less is known about the difficulties beneficiaries face when using public benefits, especially voucher-based public assistance programs. Examining redemption costs can help clarify when and where beneficiaries experience burdens, reasons behind discontinuity in program participation, and why public programs fail to meet objectives.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Lower neural value signaling in the prefrontal cortex is related to childhood family income and depressive symptomatology during adolescence
Lower family income during childhood is related to increased rates of adolescent depression, though the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Clearing gang- and drug-involved nonfatal shootings
Clearance rates for nonfatal shootings, especially cases involving gang- and drug-related violence, are disturbingly low in many US cities.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Families and Parenting
Parenting Across Cultures from Childhood to Adolescence: Development in Nine Countries
Edited by Jennifer Lansford and Drew Rothenberg with Marc Bornstein, this book shares findings from a study of parents and children in China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand and the United States. Each chapter is authored by a contributor native to the country examined. Together, the chapters provide a global understanding of parenting across cultures.
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Experiences of Hispanic Families with Social Services in the Racially Segregated Southeast: Views from Administrators and Workers in North Carolina
While we expected to find that Hispanic families may be disadvantaged by decentralized service delivery in a manner that is similar to the experiences of African American families, workers instead note significant resources that help facilitate Hispanic families’ access to programs.
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Do Teacher Assistants Improve Student Outcomes? Evidence From School Funding Cutbacks in North Carolina
This article examines the influence of teacher assistants and other personnel on outcomes for elementary school students during a period of recession-induced cutbacks in teacher assistants.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Heightened immigration enforcement impacts US citizens’ birth outcomes: Evidence from early ICE interventions in North Carolina
We examine how increased Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activities impacted newborn health and prenatal care utilization in North Carolina around the time Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act was first being implemented within the state.
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Getting Tough? The Effects of Discretionary Principal Discipline on Student Outcomes
Nationwide, school principals are given wide discretion to use disciplinary tools like suspension and expulsion to create a safe learning environment.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
Promoting and Protecting Early Relational Health For Infants & Toddlers in Child Care
The science that informs best practice in early intervention, early childhood education, and early childhood mental health is clear: the most important resource infants and toddlers have is the relationships they develop with adult caregivers. For young children in child care programs, relationships with their teachers are a resource they depend on.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Policy Briefs
Equity and Access in Gifted Education: An Examination within North Carolina
The disproportionality between the representation of white students and students of color in gifted education programs is both persistent and pervasive. Attempts over the years to remedy the issue have done little to narrow this disparity.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Work Schedule Unpredictability: Daily Occurrence and Effects on Working Parents’ Well-Being
Family science has long considered the ways in which parents’ experiences in the workplace can affect families.
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Social and Emotional Learning During COVID-19 and Beyond: Why It Matters and How to Support It
Social and emotional development was in peril prior to the pandemic. After this time apart, it will take systematic, intentional, and intensive efforts to get social and emotional learning back on track.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Gunshot-victim cooperation with police investigations: Results from the Chicago Inmate Survey
Just one in ten nonfatal shootings in Chicago lead to an arrest.
K-12 Education
Race Equity
Journal Articles
School Segregation at the Classroom Level in a Southern ‘New Destination’ State
Using detailed administrative data for public schools, we document racial and ethnic segregation at the classroom level in North Carolina, a state that has experienced a sharp increase in Hispanic enrollment.
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Reimagining Policing: How Community-Led Interventions Can Improve Outcomes for Domestic Violence and Mental Health Calls
In response to police killings of Black people and the ensuing protests that took place in communities across the country in 2020, media coverage in North Carolina and in much of the nation this past year has focused heavily on instances of police violence and the protests and counterprotests that have since occurred throughout the…
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Net Worth Poverty in Child Households by Race and Ethnicity, 1989–2019
This study is the first to examine net worth poverty, and its intersection with income poverty, by race and ethnicity among child households in the United States.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Policy Briefs
Working Families’ Experiences of the Enduring COVID Crisis: Snapshot from Midsummer
Key Takeaways: Economic instability remains high among hourly service workers — from both job and household income loss. Food insecurity has increased significantly among working families. Safety net programs can help families maintain their incomes and reduce food insecurity, however benefits are not reaching everyone. Keeping vulnerable families afloat during the pandemic will require policymakers…
Child Welfare
Families and Parenting
Policy Briefs
Reframing Law Enforcement’s Approach to Domestic Violence Calls
The Duke University Center for Child and Family Policy partnered with the Durham Crisis Response Center, the Exchange Family Center, the Center for Child and Family Health, and the Durham County Department of Social Services to create the Durham Integrated Domestic Violence Response System (DIDVRS). DIDVRS is an evidence-based, community-led approach to more appropriately address…
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
COVID-19 and Parent-Child Psychological Well-being
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 has changed American society in ways that are difficult to capture in a timely manner.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Brazil’s Missing Infants: Zika Risk Changes Reproductive Behavior
Zika virus epidemics have potential large-scale population effects. Controlled studies of mice and nonhuman primates indicate that Zika affects fecundity, raising concerns about miscarriage in human populations.
Families and Parenting
Families and Social Change in the Gulf Region
Over the last five decades, dramatic social changes have disrupted established patterns of family life and human development in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. This book examines the role of these changes, such as urbanization, educational progress, emigration, and globalization, and describes their implications for Gulf families.
Early Care and Education
Learning from Pre-K Teachers
During the spring of 2020, a statewide survey was undertaken to understand how early childhood educators sought to navigate the transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
K-12 Education
Policy Briefs
Connecting with K-12 Students During COVID-19: Findings and Recommendations from a Survey of North Carolina Teachers
This brief uses data from a survey of educators in nine districts participating in the North Carolina Resilience and Learning Project on the challenges of remote learning and education during the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers recommendations for improving educational equity during remote learning, addressing the following areas: technology access, availability of adult support, student well-being,…
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
K-12 Social-Emotional Support During COVID-19: Reflections and Recommendations from a Survey of North Carolina Teachers
This Brief Will Cover Emotional and Mental Health Support for Teachers. Survey data from N.C. teachers on their concerns about returning to school in the fall. Recommended strategies for helping school administrators promote wellness among school staff upon their return. Re-envisioning the Way Students and Schools Interact. Recommended practices for promoting relationship building among teachers,…
Early Care and Education
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
“New Normal” for Children and Families: Developing a Universal Approach with a Focus on Equity
This brief provides an overview of the various channels through which COVID-19 has affected the lives of children and families, and proposes 4 key actions to help communities heal and build stronger, equitable systems: Create a “new” public health system centered upon a universal approach to care with a focus on equity. Invest in early…
K-12 Education
Policy Briefs
Lessons Learned about Online Schooling for Young Children from K-1 Classroom and ESL Teachers
This brief provides an overview of lessons learned about online schooling for young children during the COVID-19 pandemic from K-1 classroom and ESL teachers, and 5 recommendations for how to support the continuation of online learning into the next school year.
Early Care and Education
The North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Program and Remote Learning Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Findings from a Statewide Survey of Teachers, by Robert C. Carr, Ph.D.
Poverty and Inequality
Policy Briefs
The Added Benefit of North Carolina’s Evictions Moratorium: Protecting Vulnerable Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Key Takeaways: Government officials halted housing evictions in North Carolina as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. We analyze administrative data on evictions from the N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts and on public school children in Durham to identify characteristics of children who experience eviction. Our analysis shows that an additional benefit of the…
Child Welfare
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Book Chapter
North Carolina Resilience and Learning Project
Katie Rosanbalm wrote the opening chapter of a book entitled, Alleviating the Educational Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences. The book is a collection of approaches to trauma-informed education based on school-university-community collaborations. Rosanbalm’s chapter summarizes the literature on why trauma-informed strategies are important to academic success and describes the specifics of the Resilience and Learning Model. It concludes with preliminary qualitative findings from pilot schools.
Early Care and Education
NC Pre-K Remote Learning Survey Results | COVID-19 Response
Children’s earliest experiences shape their brain’s architecture and create the foundation for healthy development and future learning. High-quality early learning environments support children in meeting critical developmental milestones, and children who attend high-quality early education programs are better prepared for success in school — academically, socially and emotionally.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Ensuring Vulnerable Children and Families Have Access to Needed Health Services and Supports During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This policy brief focuses on how necessary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic alter the health and social service landscape for children and families, particularly those who were already vulnerable, and offers policy guidance.
Early Care and Education
Policy Briefs
Strategies to Support the Well-Being of Essential Child Care Staff and Young Children During COVID-19
Inside: Protecting the Physical Well-Being of Essential Child Care Providers and Young Children Supporting the Social-Emotional Well-Being of Essential Child Care Providers and Young Children Caring for Older Children Supporting Child Care Administrators Whose Facilities are Staying Open to Meet Essential Needs
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Policy Briefs
Devastating Impact of COVID Crisis on Working Families
This brief provides an overview of key ways in which COVID-19 has impacted working families, as drawn from our study’s survey analysis. 1. Drastic Reductions in Work Hours and Increase in Job Loss 2. Harmed Well-Being of Both Parents and Their Children 3. Policy Supports Not Reaching Families 4. Employer-Provided Benefits Reaching Some Families
Child Welfare
Journal Articles
Mothers and fathers in the criminal justice system and children’s child protective services involvement
Parents charged with a criminal offense had higher rates of having a child protective services (CPS) assessment/investigation during the three years preceding the charge than parents who were not charged. Changing parental incarceration rates would change CPS caseloads substantially.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Gender Differences in the Impact of North Carolina’s Early Care and Education Initiatives on Student Outcomes in Elementary School
Based on growing evidence of the long-term benefits of enriched early childhood experiences, we evaluate the potential for addressing gender disparities in elementary school through early care and education programs.
Child Welfare
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Poverty and Inequality
State of Empowerment: Low-Income Families and the New Welfare State
Carolyn Barnes uses ethnographic accounts of three organizations to reveal how interacting with government-funded after-school programs can enhance the civic and political lives of low-income citizens.
Families and Parenting
Poverty and Inequality
Race Equity
Journal Articles
Mothers’ and Fathers’ Time Spent with Children in the U.S.: Variations by Race/Ethnicity Within Income from 2003 to 2013
Using data from the American Time Use Survey, we examine the empirically underexplored ways in which racial and ethnic identity shapes parental time use.
Families and Parenting
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Agricultural Fires and Health at Birth
Fire has long served as a tool in agriculture, but the practice’s link with economic activity has made its health consequences difficult to study.
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Raising the bar for college admission: North Carolina’s increase in minimum math course requirements
Charles T. Clotfelter, Steven W. Hemelt, Helen F. Ladd Education Finance and Policy (2019) 14 (3): 492–521. https://doi.org/10.1162/edfp_a_00258
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Bringing Organizations Back In: Multilevel Feedback Effects on Individual Civic Inclusion
Policy feedback scholarship has focused on how laws and their implementation affect either organizations (e.g., their resources, priorities, political opportunities, or incentive structures) or individuals (e.g., their civic skills and resources or their psychological orientations toward the state).
K-12 Education
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Professionals, friends, and confidants: After-school staff as social support to low-income parents
Policy makers, practitioners, and researchers have emphasized the importance of supportive relationships between staff and parents in early childhood education settings and schools.
Poverty and Inequality
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
WIC Recipients in the Retail Environment: A Qualitative Study Assessing Customer Experience and Satisfaction
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is an important intervention for prevention and treatment of obesity and food insecurity, but participation has dropped among eligible populations from 2009 to 2015.
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Impact of a Neuroscience-Based Health Education Course on High School Students’ Health Knowledge, Beliefs, and Behaviors.
The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the potential of an innovative high school neuroscience-based health course for implementation feasibility and impact on student outcomes.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Journal Articles
Predicting Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration From Late Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Saint-Eloi Cadely et al. found longitudinal patterns for the perpetration of both psychological and physical intimate partner violence (IPV), including actively and minimally aggressive patterns.
Child Welfare
Where Does the Money Go
This report provides a comprehensive look at 2014 social spending by the federal government on children ages 0-8 and breaks down program spending by family income.
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Improving Young English Learners’ Language and Literacy Skills Through Teacher Professional Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Using a randomized controlled trial, we tested a new teacher professional development program for increasing the language and literacy skills of young Latino English learners with 45 teachers and 105 students in 12 elementary schools.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Poverty and Inequality
Journal Articles
Multifaceted Aid for Low-Income Students and College Outcomes: Evidence From North Carolina
We study the evolution of a campus-based aid program for low-income students that began with grant-heavy financial aid and later added a suite of nonfinancial supports.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Impact of North Carolina’s Early Childhood Programs and Policies on Educational Outcomes in Elementary School
North Carolina’s Smart Start and More at Four (MAF) early childhood programs were evaluated through the end of elementary school (age 11) by estimating the impact of state funding allocations to programs in each of 100 counties across 13 consecutive years on outcomes for all children in each county-year group (n = 1,004,571; 49% female; 61% non-Latinx White, 30% African American, 4% Latinx, 5% other).
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Public Awareness Campaign to Prevent High School Dropout
Many advocacy organizations devote time and resources to increasing community awareness and educating the public in an effort to gain support for their issue.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress Report 3: A Comprehensive Review of SelfRegulation Interventions from Birth Through Young Adulthood
This is the third in a series of four inter-related reports titled Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress.
Early Care and Education
K-12 Education
Journal Articles
Impact of North Carolina’s Early Childhood Initiatives on Special Education Placements in Third Grade
This study examines the community-wide effects of investments in two early childhood initiatives in North Carolina (Smart Start and More at Four) on the likelihood of a student being placed into special education.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress Report 2: A Review of Ecological, Biological, and Developmental Studies of Self-Regulation and Stress
This report builds on the previous report in this series, Foundations for Understanding Self-Regulation from an Applied Developmental Perspective, which describes a theoretical framework that is utilized in the present review of empirical ecological, biological, and developmental studies.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress Report 1: Foundations for Understanding Self-Regulation from an Applied Perspective
This is the first in a series of four inter-related reports titled Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress, with subtitles specifying the focus of each report.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Substance Use and Abuse in Durham County 2014
According to the North Carolina (N.C.) Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, approximately 18,000 adults and 1,000 children in Durham County abused or were addicted to illegal drugs, prescription medications, or alcohol in 2012(1). Substance abuse not only impacts the individual and his/her family, but also the community.
K-12 Education
Attendance in Durham Primary Schools
This memo examines recent data from Durham Public Schools related to student absenteeism. This memo examines four related issues surrounding absenteeism: Description of student absenteeism by grade-level Persistence of truancy from one year to the next The association between truancy and grade retention, and The overlap between absenteeism and tardies.
Adolescence to Adulthood
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Mental Health Outreach Program (MHOP) Evaluation Report
This report summarizes preliminary findings associated with the MHOP program that began in Durham County in January of 2011.
Adolescence to Adulthood
K-12 Education
America’s Promise Alliance: 10 Indicators of Academic Achievement and Youth Success
Approximately one quarter of U.S. students do not graduate from high school with their peers. Failing to complete high school severely limits opportunities for employment and future financial stability. High school dropouts earn lower wages through their lifetime and work for fewer years.1 The costs to society of high school dropouts are also high and…
K-12 Education
Final Report to the Spencer Foundation
In 2009, the Spencer Foundation renewed its generous support of the Data Center with an additional two years of funding. In addition, Duke University and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction have continued to support the Data Center through the collaborative relationship established in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions.
K-12 Education
Evaluation of the HillRAP Intervention in Davie County Middle Schools 2008-2010
This report presents the final findings for a two-year evaluation of the Hill Center Reading Achievement Program (HillRAP) as implemented in a middle school setting from September 2008 to June 2010. The Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University conducted this evaluation in collaboration with the Davie County Public Schools and the Mebane…
Child Welfare
Policy Briefs
Multiple Response System and System of Care: Two Policy Reforms Designed to Improve The Child Welfare System
Child abuse and neglect is a serious problem in the United States. From 2004 to 2005 the number of substantiated reports of maltreatment increased by 27,000 cases from 872,000 to 899,000.
Child Welfare
Multiple Response System (MRS) Evaluation Report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services (NCDSS) 2006
At the request of the North Carolina Division of Social Services (NCDSS), the Center for Child and Family Policy at The Terry Sanford Institute at Duke University evaluated the Multiple Response System (MRS) reform for families reported to child welfare in 10 MRS pilot counties.
Social Emotional Health and Well-Being
Substance Use and Abuse in Durham County 2006
The impact of substance use and addiction surrounds us and affects every aspect of our Durham community.
Child Welfare
Multiple Response System (MRS) Evaluation Report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services (NCDSS) 2004
In response to a request from the North Carolina Division of Social Services (DSS),Center for Child and Family Policy at The Terry Sanford Institute at Duke University evaluated the Multiple Response System reform for families reported for child maltreatment.