Project Description
Primal world beliefs, or primals for short, are gut-level answers to the question, “What sort of world is this?” This project addresses the question of how primals are formed by building on the longitudinal Parenting Across Cultures project, which recruited a sample of 8-year-olds and their parents in nine countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and United States), with follow-up interviews through age 21. The longitudinal, cross-national, multi-informant, and multi-method design provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand whether and how primals in early adulthood are predicted by childhood and adolescent experiences and how parents’ primals are related to their young adult children’s primals in the most diverse long-term longitudinal study ever conducted.
Project Goals
This project aims to understand how primals are formed by drawing on data on young adults across nine countries using the most diverse long-term longitudinal study ever conducted.