Project Description
There is a concerning lack of available mental health services for children aged zero to five with serious emotional disturbances and their families in Alamance County. Alamance County Department of Social Services, through this grant, is building such services within the framework of a comprehensive home- and community-based System of Care.
Evaluation of this program includes both implementation/process and outcomes measurement at the system, program and individual levels conducted at six-month intervals for the duration of the program to measure changes over time. As part of the program, we are participating in a comprehensive National Evaluation, abiding by the reporting requirements outlined in the Government Performance and Results Act, as well as implementing a local evaluation.
Project Goals
The goal of this program is to provide evidence-based services and supports that will assist families in ensuring that their children are safe, emotionally and physically healthy, and ready for school. An additional goal of the program is to work with the families of children who have serious emotional disturbances and are involved with the child welfare system, to safely keep their children home and out of foster care.